
Svelte-Embla is just an action wrapper for Embla-Carousel and because of that there is no reason why you could not use Embla-Carousel Plugins. the only minor difference is where you place them, there is now a plugins option on the action that functions the same as the plugins parameter in Embla-Carousel.

	import embla from "svelte-embla"
	import AutoPlay from "embla-carousel-autoplay"

	const autoplay = AutoPlay({ delay: 4000 })

<div class="embla" use:embla={{ plugins: [autoplay] }}>
	<div class="embla__container">
		<div class="embla__slide">Slide 1</div>
		<div class="embla__slide">Slide 2</div>
		<div class="embla__slide">Slide 3</div>